Live Webcasting Archives - MediaPlatform
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How Video Helped T-Mobile Communicate a Large-scale Merger
Power Users

    Imagine attempting to communicate a merger between two large organizations to an audience of 45,000. Now imagine trying to communicate that message during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the majority of the workforce suddenly found themselves working remotely. That is the exact challenge T-Mobile faced earlier...

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Case Study: The Multi-Location Live Event & Incorporating An LED Wall
CEO Town Halls, Live Webcasting

One of our clients produced a very impressive event that incorporated an array of impressive production elements, perhaps most notably a 50 foot long LED wall that displayed graphical content during the entire presentation not only to the in person audience, but also within the video frame of the live...

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Part 2 of 3: Platform Modularity & Improving Security & Privacy
CEO Town Halls, Corporate YouTube, Live Webcasting

In the second part of our 3-part blog series, we explore how application and role modularity can be used to improve and reinforce security and privacy within the context of live enterprise webcast productions.  Taking a step back, for even the most audience-inclusive productions (e.g. public marketing events), there are...

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Part 1 of 3: Using Role & Task Delegation During Large, Live Webcasts
CEO Town Halls, Live Webcasting, Video Meetings

An important principle in application design is modularity, or enabling specific functions to operate independently in either complete isolation or as a delegated piece of a bigger functional pie. Modularity can serve multiple goals, including: i) supporting security and privacy (carving out sensitive operations by role, data storage locations, etc.);...

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Advanced Live Analytics Dashboard
Live Webcasting

MediaPlatform Advanced Live Event Monitoring Capabilities MediaPlatform offers a new set of advanced live event monitoring capabilities in its Autocaster preproduction and automated webcast replay package. The Autocaster Live Event Monitor dashboard displays critical data for multiple live events – simultaneously – without requiring producers to access the Broadcaster Control...

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Broadcaster Mobile Engagement View Gives In-Person Audiences an Easy Way to Participate in Webcast Interaction
Live Webcasting

Meeting the needs of a now hybrid – remote online and in-office – workforce has become a growing technical and communications challenge. Corporate video producers and enterprise communications professionals are continually looking for ways to create a shared, common experience between employees who are in the office listening to an...

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Hybrid Marketing Events: Producing the Perfect Experience For Both On-Line & In Person Audiences
Live Webcasting

By Darian Germain I was recently asked by a marketing colleague how to go about selecting a software platform for events that will simultaneously support in-person and online audiences. While hybrid events have become commonplace to those of us in the industry, I thought it might be helpful to share...

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When is Live Video Better than Pre-recorded?
Live Webcasting

By Nicole Olsen If you have ever live streamed an event, you know there’s always the chance that something goes awry. The Wi-Fi could cut out, the camera could stop working, or the presenters could forget, or derail from, their script. While odds are that everything will be fine, it’s...

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Calculating the Cost of Failed Live Events
Live Webcasting

By Darian Germain In working with customers, we often hear about two common scenarios where companies incur significant (often hidden) costs as a result of a failed live webcast. The first source of costs is the time spent by the event production team in post-mortem meetings trying to diagnose the...

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