Blog Archives - MediaPlatform
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How Video Helped T-Mobile Communicate a Large-scale Merger
Power Users

    Imagine attempting to communicate a merger between two large organizations to an audience of 45,000. Now imagine trying to communicate that message during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the majority of the workforce suddenly found themselves working remotely. That is the exact challenge T-Mobile faced earlier...

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Key Considerations When Producing A Town Hall From A Hotel Or Similar “New” Location
CEO Town Halls

As if Town Halls don’t present enough logisitical challenges, these challenges are often compounded by moving the production to an off-site location like a hotel, theatre, or arena.  Going into a new environment, there are definitely some key considerations that you will want to confirm before locking in a venue,...

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Closed Captions: A Surprisingly Active Area of Innovation
Live Webcasting

While closed-captions in some form have been around for decades, the underlying technologies have gone through a period of rapid evolution in just the last few years.  Many applications (including ours) now include automatic caption generation using artificial intelligence to do speech-to-text conversion.  Not long ago this wasn’t possible at...

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Case Study: The Multi-Location Live Event & Incorporating An LED Wall
CEO Town Halls, Live Webcasting

One of our clients produced a very impressive event that incorporated an array of impressive production elements, perhaps most notably a 50 foot long LED wall that displayed graphical content during the entire presentation not only to the in person audience, but also within the video frame of the live...

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Part 2 of 3: Platform Modularity & Improving Security & Privacy
CEO Town Halls, Corporate YouTube, Live Webcasting

In the second part of our 3-part blog series, we explore how application and role modularity can be used to improve and reinforce security and privacy within the context of live enterprise webcast productions.  Taking a step back, for even the most audience-inclusive productions (e.g. public marketing events), there are...

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Part 1 of 3: Using Role & Task Delegation During Large, Live Webcasts
CEO Town Halls, Live Webcasting, Video Meetings

An important principle in application design is modularity, or enabling specific functions to operate independently in either complete isolation or as a delegated piece of a bigger functional pie. Modularity can serve multiple goals, including: i) supporting security and privacy (carving out sensitive operations by role, data storage locations, etc.);...

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MediaPlatform’s Take on AI for Enterprise Video
Video News

With all the buzz around AI, and about how AI is being used to create, discover, summarize, and edit video, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know our vision for deploying AI in our Broadcaster platform in front-end, as well as backend, applications.  Our multi-phase vision for...

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MediaPlatform Named an IDC Innovator
Video News

MediaPlatform’s success in providing feature-rich enterprise webcasting, large-scale live streaming, and audience interaction in live and on-demand video contributed to its selection as an “IDC Innovator” in the recently published IDC Innovators: Video Platform Solutions 2024 report. The report profiles companies distinguished for their ability to help organizations unlock the...

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Enliven Your Broadcaster Live Events with Audience-Favorite Third-Party Apps
Power Users

Everyone has their favorite ways to engage online audiences – whether through chat, word clouds, polling or entertaining music or videos, these applications offer the chance to elevate your live webcast from a passive to an active, exciting experience. While MediaPlatform Broadcaster offers a host of native interaction capabilities –...

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