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Blog: January 2024

How Video Helped T-Mobile Communicate a Large-scale Merger
Power Users

    Imagine attempting to communicate a merger between two large organizations to an audience of 45,000. Now imagine trying to communicate that message during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the majority of the workforce suddenly found themselves working remotely. That is the exact challenge T-Mobile faced earlier...

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Enliven Your Broadcaster Live Events with Audience-Favorite Third-Party Apps
Power Users

Everyone has their favorite ways to engage online audiences – whether through chat, word clouds, polling or entertaining music or videos, these applications offer the chance to elevate your live webcast from a passive to an active, exciting experience. While MediaPlatform Broadcaster offers a host of native interaction capabilities –...

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The Advantages of Broadcaster Event Registration: A Customer Perspective
Power Users

Among large enterprises, security is of preeminent importance for virtually every type and aspect of internal and external communications. Since security is oftentimes about controlling access, it is not surprising that some of the most rigorous security requirements we see related to registration & authentication capabilities. Consistently, conversations with our...

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