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How Video Helped T-Mobile Communicate a Large-scale Merger
Power Users

    Imagine attempting to communicate a merger between two large organizations to an audience of 45,000. Now imagine trying to communicate that message during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the majority of the workforce suddenly found themselves working remotely. That is the exact challenge T-Mobile faced earlier...

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The Difference Between Webcasting and Web Conferencing
Video Meetings

When trying to select a video technology, enterprises often get confused between webcasting software, and web conferencing software. While both have similar functionality, their feature sets and what they can deliver actually vary quite a bit. Here is a quick explanation to help you understand the difference between webcasting and...

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How to Use Video for Corporate Communications in Times of Internal Crisis
CEO Town Halls

Nothing tests an organization’s communication strengths like a crisis. Whether from a leadership scandal, a product recall, or a data breach, how you deal with a crisis can make or break your organization. Compounding the problem is the speed at which fake news can travel. When the damage occurs, companies...

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Getting Started with Internal Video
Live Webcasting

Making a video for the very first time can be scary; especially when it’s within the workplace and all eyes are on you. What if something goes wrong? What if no one watches your broadcast? What if it never becomes easier? The good news is that today’s video technologies are...

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Improving Learning Retention with Video
Corporate YouTube

While training is generally a major part of an employee’s first few weeks with a new company, learning retention often suffers during that same time.  The training they receive often outlines everything from where the bathrooms are, to whom they need to speak with about getting technical support.  Mixed in...

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How to Start Live Streaming Your Quarterly Town Halls
CEO Town Halls

The benefits associated with live streaming an event have made it an increasingly popular choice for many executives. Yet live streaming a large corporate event can be intimidating if you have never done it before; especially if it is a town hall meeting with thousands of attendees. Live streaming enables...

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How To Select A Corporate Video Streaming Platform
Live Webcasting

How to Select a Corporate Streaming Platform With more and more companies adopting video webcasting as a primary means of communicating with employees, streaming is quickly becoming the norm in corporate communications – but how do you choose the right corporate streaming platform for your company? At MediaPlatform, we create...

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Why Video Should be Part of Any Internal Communications Plan
CEO Town Halls

An effective communication tool must be able to deliver information that is relevant, specific, and accessible to the applicable audience. As an internal communicator you likely have an arsenal of communication tools. This may include things like email, intranet, newsletters etc. Unfortunately it isn’t always easy to understand which tools...

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When to Communicate with Video – Infographic
Live Webcasting

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